Engage Video Assistant - Programmable Video Bot

Build durable bonds with customers with a personable and programmable video bot.

Life-like video bots shape sticky customer relationships by delivering valuable responses based on understanding customer intent and sentiment.

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Differentiate from commoditized chatbots. Give a conversational AI boost to customer interactions.

Answer customer queries interactively in natural language and create a sense of ease with emotional expressions in video responses by brand ambassadors, executives, or customer care representatives – just like live video calls.

Sticky customer relationships due to emotional chemistry with customers

24x7 zero wait and hold time with scalable automated assistance

Increase brand value with rising customer satisfaction

Identify new opportunities for service creation and improvements from the aggregation and analysis of video bot interactions

Train customer agents based on the learning from the video bot interactions

Communicate consistent messages across all channels - free from quirks of human responses

    Video responses by human or avatar bots

    Wow your customers with a human touch!

    How telcos, financial institutions, insurance companies, hospitality and travel companies, hospitals and healthcare centers can automate processes with programmable video bots.

    How an insurance agency provides video-based engagement to answer any insurance related questions

    How hospitals and healthcare centers can automate the COVID screening process with a video bot​

    How banks provide video-based engagement to answer any personal loan related questions​

    Programmable NLU-based 3-in-1 video, voice, and text bot

    Consistent omnichannel experience – Phone, Website, Apps
    Add automated video-voice-text bot engagement to existing customer support phone numbers or embed the application on website and loyalty apps. Users can switch to video, voice, or text mode anytime, or the application can detect a suitable mode based on device capability.

    Significant differentiation with personal human interaction
    Unlike commoditized chatbots, Engage Video Assistant enables personalized engagement with trusted corporate faces or brand ambassadors while maintaining your brand's authentic tonality, attitude, and style.

    24x7 instant responsiveness with double-digit savings
    EVA boosts customer engagement and agent productivity in double digits at a fraction of the cost. The 24x7 video bot instantly responds to customer queries and seamlessly transfers calls to live agents when appropriate without losing any context of the conversation.

    Build custom multi-language Video-Voice-Text bots in minutes. No coding skills required.

    Extensive Monetization Opportunities for Service Providers

    White label SaaS solution
    A white label programmable communication platform solution with flexible deployment options – in cloud and in-network.

    Scalable and easy to deploy
    Elastic enough to scale up or down as the volume of calls fluctuates for video, voice, or chats. Integrates with businesses and their applications without investment in infrastructure.

    Tier 1 network proven
    Engage Video Assistant technology is deployed by the largest communication service provider in India, helping businesses to enhance customer service, reducing customer support costs, and increasing agent productivity.


    Your force multiplier to deliver differentiated AI-based digital engagement and immersive communication services

    Go beyond traditional
    Go beyond traditional voice, video, and SMS by creating experiential digital services. Bring the human into digital interaction with natural language, immersive video, and analytics. Create stickiness and demand for premium services.
    Take full control
    Deliver quality of experience and control costs with various hosting options — from private cloud to public — that meet your goals, budget, and compliance needs.
    Future-proof applications
    Cloud-native architecture means deployment on an optimized, multi-access edge compute platform monetized for 5G network investments. Monetizing applications such as computer vision and AR/VR are in the realm of possibility.
    No code / low code visual tools
    A visual interface gives you the tools to intuitively assemble components and visual models of logic to rapidly create digital services. Your solutions are calibrated to your environment and customer needs.
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